WP Hide Post

This plugin excels in giving you full control over the visibility of your a post. By default, any post you add to your WordPress blog will become the topmost post, and will show up immediately on the front page in the first position, and similarly in category/tag/archive pages. Sometimes, you want to create a “low-profile” addition to your blog that doesn’t belong on the front page, or maybe you don’t want it to show up anywhere else in your blog except when you explicitly link to it. This plugin allows you to create such “hidden gems”.

In particular, this plugin allows you to control the visibility of a post in various different views:

  • The Front Page (Homepage, depending on your theme, this may not be relevant)
  • The Category Page (listing the posts belonging to a category)
  • The Tag Page (listing the posts tagged with a given tag)
  • The Authors Page (listing the posts belonging to an author)
  • The Archive Pages (listing the posts belonging to time period: month, week, day, etc..)
  • The Search Results
  • Feeds

The posts will disappear from the places you choose them to disappear. Everywhere else they will show up as regular posts. In particular, permalinks of the posts still work, and if you generate a sitemap, with something like the Google XML Sitemaps the post will be there as well. This means that the content of your post will be indexed and searchable by search engines.

For a WordPress page, this plugin also allows you to control the visibility with two options:

  • Hide a page on the front page (homepage) only.
  • Hide a page everywhere in the blog (hiding the page in the search results is optional).

This means, technically, whenever pages are listed somewhere using the get_pages filter, this plugin will kick in and either filter it out or not according to the options you choose. The same rules apply regarding permalinks and sitemaps as they do for regular posts.

“WP Hide Post” plugin is a great tool in your arsenal for SEO optimization. It allows you to add plenty of content to your blog, without forcing you to change the nature and presentation of your front page, for example. You can now create content that you otherwise would be reluctant to add to your blog because it would show immediately on the front page, or somewhere else where it would not belong. It’s a must-have feature of WordPress.

Please enjoy this plugin freely, comment and rate it profusely, and send me feedback and any ideas for new features.

5 thoughts on “WP Hide Post

  1. Sofie @ Wonderful Wanderings

    Hi there,

    I have installed the WP Hide Post plugin to be able to publish posts that are nowhere visible on my site, except when I give you the specific url.

    However, if I select all the ‘hide’ options, the post still shows up
    – on my blog page (which isn’t my home page): http://wonderfulwanderings.com/my-wanderings/
    – in my recent posts plugin
    AND you can still see it when you’re browsing through posts and just clicking on ‘next post’ on my blog page.

    I had found a ‘solution’: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-wp-hide-post-posts-showing-up-on-blog-page-not-home?replies=3, but that doesn’t work:/

    If someone could guide me in the right direction I would be VERY thankful!

  2. Bracken Mayo

    Love the concept of this plug in. Everything works (hiding from categories page, or authors page).
    However, it doesn’t exclude items from my front page – which is set to a static page. Should it work on a static page?

    Any advice would be most appreciated – still a novice WPer. TY

  3. Tschöppy

    Hey there,

    Is there any chanche in the future of the plugin there will be have the bulk option to hide posts from main page?


  4. Purelytwins

    I have recently switch over to a new theme – Genesis and Using pilot press now for membership content. I was previously using Headway and Magic Members and the hide from feed worked, but now with this new genesis them and pilot press it doesn’t seem to be hiding the private post from the feed?? Any suggestions would be great!


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